

baby on bus @ airport

baby on bus @ airport

more photos

Chris' photos from Labor Day.

tessen & jutte

Been teaching for the past few weeks every Wednesday, as a couple of beginners are consistently showing up for tessen and jutte practice. I don't really know the curriculum very well, but Niina-gosoke is always on hand to clarify and demonstrate, and then leaves me to it. Fun stuff, especially the distance and timing. Now if I could just remember all the kata...

freaky dream

Analyze this one, Hammer:
Hiroko and I are at the student union of UC Berkeley. We are being attacked by Alec Baldwin, who is a magic-wiedling wizard. Hiroko gets captured by black-suited warlocks. I grab a couple of flashlights and attack, knocking various bad guys down the outside staircase.

ben miller @ pink cow

ben miller
Went to the Pink Cow for a Mobile Monday thingie. It was alright, as far as these things go. Met one interesting dude, and spent most of the time on the couch with Ben talking smack. Nina from HP Bazaar was cute, especially with that Nordic accent.