hatsu (cow heart)

hatsu (cow heart)
Originally uploaded by renfield

feeding the beast

feeding the beast
Originally uploaded by renfield

shinohashi matsuri

shinohashi matsuri
Originally uploaded by renfield


playing @ appi

playing @ appi
Originally uploaded by renfield


So running 4-5 times a week, generally early in the morning, before it gets too hot and humid. Having music is a big help, actually. Especially the kickin' tracks assembled by DJ Dasterdly Daboo.
Problem is listening device.
The Bose headphones sound great and are really comfortable, but they are too big and cumbersome for running.
My Shure sound-isolating earphones are TOO good: they block ALL ambient sound so I can't hear traffic around me; sketchy dangerous.
The Bang & Olufson A8 earphones look cool and sound great, but don't fit my ears very well -- the clamp doesn't hold onto my ear when I run, and the earpiece itself is too big to wedge comfortably into my ear and keep it there.

So I need suggestions for decent, small, comfortable earphones to wear whilst running, that do NOT block out all ambient noise. Don't care about dynamic range; I am listening to ripped MP3 and AAC4 tracks whilst running and paying attention to ambient traffic noise, so I don't care about sound quality as much as comfort whilst running.

38 and feelin great

Started the day with an easy 6 kilo run at 6am, then a light breakfast of melon and various fruits.
Killed some time with laundry and other bits and bobs, then took Ton to the park for a bit before meeting P and Mo at French Kitchen in the Grand Hyatt.
It is not the most extensive menu for a brunch buffet, but it is damn tasty! Scallops for an entree, but started by loading up on grilled veggies, tuna tar tar, and fruit salad. Managed to stay away from the dessert tables until round 3, than had to have two small banana fudge brownies doused in fruit cocktail and topped with sprinkles.
Then went on my own to Aoyama for a metrosexual 2 hours of manicure and pedicure luxury. Also went for the option head-massage, too, because dammit I am worth it.
Checked out the latest Ferrari at the dealership downstairs, then headed home for a carbo-loading of whole wheat pasta with tomato and egg-plant sauce.
Health check is on Friday, so for the next 4 days it's all fruit and veggies, no carbs, lotsa cardio. Yes, that is cheating, but I have to cheat since they weigh me fully clothed at the clinic, so that's like a kilo right there!

livin the metrosexual dream - pedicure and manicure at mars the sal on in aoyama

livin the metrosexual dream - pedicure and manicure at mars the sal on in aoyama
Originally uploaded by renfield

haircut yesterday

haircut yesterday
Originally uploaded by renfield

birthday brunch @ french kitchen, grand hyatt

birthday brunch @ french kitchen, grand hyatt
Originally uploaded by renfield

happy birthday to me!

happy birthday to me!
Originally uploaded by renfield

38 years old, peak condition!
66 kilos, 15% body fat.