Started the day with an easy 6 kilo run at 6am, then a light breakfast of melon and various fruits.
Killed some time with laundry and other bits and bobs, then took Ton to the park for a bit before meeting P and Mo at French Kitchen in the Grand Hyatt.
It is not the most extensive menu for a brunch buffet, but it is damn tasty! Scallops for an entree, but started by loading up on grilled veggies, tuna tar tar, and fruit salad. Managed to stay away from the dessert tables until round 3, than had to have two small banana fudge brownies doused in fruit cocktail and topped with sprinkles.
Then went on my own to Aoyama for a metrosexual 2 hours of manicure and pedicure luxury. Also went for the option head-massage, too, because dammit I am worth it.
Checked out the latest Ferrari at the dealership downstairs, then headed home for a carbo-loading of whole wheat pasta with tomato and egg-plant sauce.
Health check is on Friday, so for the next 4 days it's all fruit and veggies, no carbs, lotsa cardio. Yes, that is cheating, but I have to cheat since they weigh me fully clothed at the clinic, so that's like a kilo right there!