jump rope. badly.
Originally uploaded by renfield
The Rudick posse came by the hospital to see P and Mo, then we took the kids to the park for a bit before heading home for a massive pizza fest.
The Tonchalizer refused to sleep until I just stopped the stroller, sat down on the curb, patted her tummy, looked her in the eye and told her: "Close your eyes, tilt your head, and sleep!" She peeked a couple times, but after a few minutes with her eyes closed, head down, and me tapping a gentle rhythm, she passed out.
Headed to the hospital and she slept for a while. When she got up she was kinda groggy so she crawled into bed with P for some more lazy cuddling. BabyMo issued the occasional grunt and breathed heavily through his nose most of the time, largely unaffected by the arrival of big sis.
Playing in the sandbox lasted all of five seconds, at which point Ton spied a mom blowing bubbles and demanded her own bubble-blowing. We headed up the street to the corner toy store and dropped 210yen on some bubble apparatus that kept us entertained for the next hour.