the jake and larry and ramen
Originally uploaded by renfield
Larry and The Jake in Tokyo for a week. The Jake taking a break from his summer in Mongolia and Larry looking for art and just having some fun.
Larry and The Jake in Tokyo for a week. The Jake taking a break from his summer in Mongolia and Larry looking for art and just having some fun.
The goldfish from the matsuri still isn't dead, so Ton and I got on the bicycle and headed up to the pet store to get him a proper home. Dropped 3500 yen on a plastic tank, rocks, airpump, filter with bacteria, water cleaner, and fish food.
Also, in the tradition of naming her blue teddy bear Blue Bear, her little dog doll Dog, and her elephant Elephant, the fish's name is: Fish.
My daughter, so creative.
Got this new dress in the mail from Jiji and Anna. Ton likes it so much she put it on immediately and won't take it off.
Post-feeding Mo is fast asleep, and Ton is just DYING to stick a finger in his nose or something.