congrats moka!

congrats moka!, originally uploaded by renfield.

A lovely wedding at the Westin Hotel in Ebisu. Fairly lavish affair with your standard speeches, college football buddies and flight attendant friends' antics, teary-eyed flowers-to-parentals, and of course damn good food.
More photos on flickr.

lost liberty hotel

I apologize, but the United Supreme Court has gone bonkers. Good thing someone's trying to do something about it.

pesto pasta salad @ cravings

pesto pasta salad @ cravings, originally uploaded by renfield.


You Kung-fu is strong, but mine is stronger.
My Shaolin Shirking Tiger will defeat your Kung-Pao Dancing Cobra any day of the week.


Hiroko and I slogged through the humidity to ride the monorail and check out the quadrannual Heiwajima Antique Fair. I was looking for sword parts and Hiroko was looking for kimono parts. One of got a bunch of great stuff. Hint: my bag was full of Hiroko's stuff.
Actually I did find a bunch of cool items, but they were SO overpriced that even negotiating a 20% discount wouldn't have helped. Hiroko, on the other hand, got last-day-please-take-it deals on a tons of stuff.
Came home, cranked on the ceiling fan, watched a couple more episodes of Kimmy-Must-Die season III, and had some self-rolled sushi for dinner. Bliss.