Why do I bother going to the azabujyuban matsuri? I HATE the crowds...

Jumping tonchan


Originally uploaded by renfield


Originally uploaded by renfield

ice cream!

ice cream!
Originally uploaded by renfield

I'm at 東京ドームシティ ラクーア (LaQua) (文京区, 東京都) w/ 2 others http://t.co/WqP6tkY5

merry go round

merry go round
Originally uploaded by renfield

I went to the dry cleaners by myself!

I went to the dry cleaners by myself!
Originally uploaded by renfield

Gangnam Style, Dissected: The Subversive Message Within South Korea's Music Video Sensation - Max Fisher - The Atlantic http://t.co/i0V6nEuQ

I'm at 劔和会 青山道場 http://t.co/6z01I2vp

Protein salad

Protein salad
Originally uploaded by renfield

RT @Shogannai: Ex-Panasonic Tech Chief Warns Of Hubris In Japan's Electronics Industry http://t.co/riSl95OC npw

Omotesando Koffee http://t.co/SncKfYVP for @arriola

RT @StockTwits: Bulls position for surge in Japanese stocks http://t.co/neNVVsLS via @FT $EWJ

Two onions, bag of spinach, four turkey burgers

Two onions, bag of spinach, four turkey burgers
Originally uploaded by renfield


The whole clan wen to check out the first day of kindergarten this morning. Had some free oatmeal raisin cookies, fruit, and chocolate brownies (so much for the diet today) and chatted with other parents, then a quick intro to the classroom and chat with the teacher.
Awesome facilities (better be, given how much money it costs!), wonderfully cheery teachers.
Ton is really psyched to start next week.
Also need to check out the after-school activities...maybe aikido?
Mo wants to go, too, though he has another year and a half in pre-school first!
All in all, I am happy we found such an awesome school, walking distance from home.
Next week is the formal first-day-of-class and parent orientation, and then it's full speed ahead!

RT @thedailybeast: U.S. Food Waste at 40 Percent http://t.co/DtPpfkD9 #cheatsheet

I'm at WOW'D! Akasaka ワウディー赤坂 (千代田区, 東京都) http://t.co/q5pyoiAT

Sleepy mo

Sleepy mo
Originally uploaded by renfield

Vanilla protein powder, cocoa powder, coconut powder, 3 figs, blended and frozen

Vanilla protein powder, cocoa powder, coconut powder, 3 figs, blended and frozen
Originally uploaded by renfield


Dude in the next toilet stall is SNORING, dead asleep. Tired from the effort?

I don't see nuclear power as clean and efficient, but this is a reasonable assessment of fukushima so far: http://t.co/NK6efHWE via @WSJ

Yamamoto's death: http://t.co/6NGgbiZo


Originally uploaded by renfield

Chicken with pumpkin and mushroom, Brussel sprouts

Chicken with pumpkin and mushroom, Brussel sprouts
Originally uploaded by renfield

I earned 1481 points for my workout on @Fitocracy! http://t.co/rPtdPk6e

Asshat: Rep. Steve King: I’ve Never Heard Of A Girl Getting Pregnant From Statutory Rape Or Incest http://t.co/60ktx3dM via @TPM


Originally uploaded by renfield

Shrimp spinach pasta lunch

Shrimp spinach pasta lunch
Originally uploaded by renfield

What Americans Keep Ignoring About Finland's School Success - The Atlantic http://t.co/8spXdhpJ

What Americans Keep Ignoring About Finland's School Success - Anu Partanen - The Atlantic http://t.co/LvWS83rR

I'm at WOW'D! Akasaka ワウディー赤坂 (千代田区, 東京都) http://t.co/tAL1IJ1Y

New dead lift personal record! http://t.co/PPga6kmi

I earned 1502 points for my workout on @Fitocracy! http://t.co/lY8G58Vc

100k Dead lift x5

New PR!

My son's favorite video these days: http://t.co/KSH7hBPj via @youtube

Tonchan skating

P skating

Tonchan skating 2

Tonchan skating

P skating

Tonchan skating 2

Tonchan skating 3