So the mighty Mo has successfully navigated the first three years on the planet. In days bygone, this would be a milestone worthy of celebration; the general luck of having avoided any number of things that killed infants fairly regularly.
Luckily, thanks to modern medicine and despite his genetically inherited desire to jump off of high objects and speed downhill on his kick scooter, the boy had little trouble making it to three.
I was mainly along for the ride.
This being my second time, it was all generally familiar. Plus Ton helps alot; she loves telling him (and everyone else) what to do, and she is also almost too self-sacrificing. She hates to see him cry or even moderately upset, even when he's being a selfish little brother, so she will always give him her last chocolate, or the final cup of ice-cream, or his choice of YouTube videos.
So anyway the boy got himself an awesome shinkansen cake, and a new toy train, and now that he can basically put his pajamas on by himself, he seems to enjoy putting on ALL THE PAJAMAS IN HIS PAJAMA DRAWER AT ONCE. A slight improvement over his joy of running around naked, I reckon.
Ton, BTW, is feeling better. She looked like she was getting sick, with the sniffles turning into a proper cough and sore throat, and she took the day off from school yesterday to have an adventure with mom in Yokohama, but she was genki going to school today, though her voice is a bit husky.
Speaking of mom, yet another reason (as if there was ever any doubt) as to the awesomeness of my wife: came him tonight to find a bag of sweet potato skins left for me. Everyone knows how I loves me some baked sweet potato, and the skin most of all. My family is much more into the squishy potato innards, so it works out just fine.
Plus the skins make farts.
Which is a plus.