4 generations

Originally uploaded by renfield.

Took Tonchan up to Ibaraki to see great grandma Sakayori. She had a stroke last year and has been in rehabilitation. We took the subway up to the Tsukuba Express, took a little feeding break at the station, and then went to see grandma and great grandma.

jew food revisited

Mama made some old-time favorites for dinner: noodle kugel (with raisins!) and meatloaf. Quality.

jen again

Originally uploaded by piroko_kuroda.

Jen's back for a night after her Sake tour. She and Mama cooked and went shopping all over the place. I worked late, came home, and ate.


Amandana makes all kinds of cool stuff. And their English web site is spot on:
Loyalty of people with competency

We want our users to have fun using our product precisely because it is just a simple calculator.
Comfortable moments for your daily life.

Absolutely. And of course, be warned that no matter how good the remote control is:

powa to da pepul!

powa to da pepul!
Originally uploaded by renfield.

We gotta take da fight to da man! Raise ya fist and shout "We ain't gonna take it! Powa to da pepul!"