dave spector
Originally uploaded by renfield
Dave Spector is an uninteresting white guy who has been on TV in Japan for longer than I have lived here. I remember him because 15 years ago, when I was working for Tokyo Journal, there was a big expose on him. In an article called "The Incredible Inflating Man" they took apart his dyed blond hair, blue-eyed contact lenses, claim to membership in the Academy and a host of other things he professed to but turned out to be true. And generally nobody cared. He plays the role of clown perfectly; harmless white guy who speaks the language, cracks bad jokes, and reaffirms every foreigner stereotype that makes this xenophobic country feel safe and secure. And hell, more power to him if can manage to make a living doing it.
Supposedly he was once asked what he thought about all the other foreigners bad-mouthing his Uncle Tom antics on Japanese TV and his response was: "Not my audience."
Anyway he was filming for a TV show or something on the edge of the park so I took Tonchan to see him and she absolutely freaked out. Wouldn't get near him and started crying and screaming. I actually felt bad for the guy and managed to take this picture whilst walking backwards away from him, holding Tonchan as she was trying to grab the cellphone out of my hands to keep me from taking the photo!