Taking a break

Taking a break
Originally uploaded by renfield

Riding with Anne

Riding with Anne
Originally uploaded by renfield

Mokun at the dentist

Mokun at the dentist
Originally uploaded by renfield

Mcgyver would be proud

Mcgyver would be proud
Originally uploaded by renfield

Gauze, medical tape, hair clip from 100yen shop makes a hands-free
skin-to-cartilage-fusion-encouragement device. Rapid healing AND bold
fashion statement! I am practically steampunk.

ear pain

So my ear infection wasn't. It is in fact a texbook case of cauliflower ear. I won't like to that term, but if you google it, don't do so immediately before or after (or during) eating.
So after dropping off the kids at summer school, I went down to Kitasato Hospital, made a reservation at the automated reservation ATM machine, and waited about ten minutes. Doctor took one look at me and said: "Yup, cauliflower ear...why are you here? This is Sports Medicine, you should be at Ear, Nose, and Throat. Down the half to the right."
So I went down the hall and sat and waited...for two hours. Luckily Kindle on iPad2 is utterly brilliant.
Finally got to see the ENT doc, who took one look at me and said: "You understsand Japanese? Good. The skin of your ear has separated from the cartilage, and the space is filled with blood. First I'll drain it, than tape it up and try to get the skin to meld back down. And come back in a week, because I'll probably have to drain it again. If it doesn't heal, or you keep getting his in the ear, surgery might help...this will sting a bit..."
What he really, REALLY did NOT need to do was show me the syringe filled with blood that he sucked out of my ear, thanks.
So now I am thinking I need to head down to the 100yen store and figure out a self-pinching contraption that can keep adequate pressure on my ear without me having to hold it all the time. Maybe a combination of clothes pins and rubber bands...or document clips...?