Last year I got my drunj on, and once again bonus season was upon us, so it was time for my yearly beveragination.
We started tamely enough, with Yebisu pints and greasy chicken & chips at Finn McCool's. After a couple hours we migrated to the big Sapporo Beer Hall in Ginza for some liter-sized double-pints and basic beer hall debauchery.
When they closed that down and kicked us out we headed to Hiroo and took over Smash Hits for some karaoke goodness. I apparently did well enough with AC/DC's Big Balls and everyone's old favorite Sweet Home Alabama, but after the 3rd Tequila shot I passed out in the back row.
I didn't have my jacket and had many icecubes in my shirt, but somehow I walked down the street, got a taxi, and made it home.
Made it into work today about 1:30 and had a couple of painful meetings before begging off for home.
Mama loves this: the little walkway in front of my house has a white line painted on the side of the road. For what purpose, I have no idea. And for whatever reason, it mysteriously curves out and stops...right before the manhole cover. Did the line painter just miss? Run out of energy? Or is there some unknown purpose yet to be discovered?
kimono tonchan

Originally uploaded by renfield.
Got the old kimono from Grandma's closet and was under orders to get photos of Tonchan wearing said kimono. It's just a wee bit too big, you think?
bjorn again
More beautiful weather, so we dropped Tonchan into the Bjorn and took a stroll up to Azabujyuban and Roppongi Hills. At Tsutaya we ran into Conan and his parentals, so we headed up to slide park and I rode the roller slide a bunch of times with Tonchan totally and completely asleep.
potato pancakes

potato pancakes
Originally uploaded by renfield.
Chiepon came over for dinner and at her request mama made potato pancakes, which we ate with the traditional Japanese dishes of grilled salmon in miso and tofu-spinach shiroai.
da bjorn
Debut of da Baby Bjorn. Loverly weather so wrapped up Tonchan in purple, pulled on the watermelon hat, dropped her in da Bjorn, and off we went to the healthy yummy breadstore in Ebisu. It being the day before Constitution Day, the rightists were out in full effect. Interesting way of showing one's love for one's country: blaring rightist music, disobeying traffic signals, marching in full riot gear including masks and hard hats, insulting the police and one's fellow countrymen at 150 decibels. Yup, patriots, the lots of them.
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