food poisoning

Came home late on Tuesday night and ate whatever was in the fridge...bad idea. Something wasn't right. The bananas smelled a bit...tangy, but anyway I ate a bunch of stuff, and got myself a mild case of food poisoning.
Didn't eat at all Wednesday; tea and water sluiced right through me. Felt kind of weak but no fever or anything so I doubt it was the flu or a virus.
Went home earlier than usual on Wednesday night, took a bath with the kids and went to sleep.
Woke up this morning feeling not as bad, had udon for lunch and feel OK, so I think I'm over it.
Still not terribly hungry, and feeling a bit gaunt, but recovering.
Not. Fun.

aoyama toy museum with marie

aoyama toy museum with marie
Originally uploaded by renfield

Went to the awesome Tokyo Tokyo Museum in Aoyama with Marie and her family, which is in an old (1930s) elementary school re-purposed into a community center.
Ended up spending hours there, playing with all the wooden toys and then in the playground outside.


Originally uploaded by renfield

In the rock

In the rock
Originally uploaded by renfield