sleeping babyMo

sleeping babyMo
Originally uploaded by renfield

kanda matsuri

kanda matsuri
Originally uploaded by renfield

napping like the dead

napping like the dead
Originally uploaded by renfield

meeting masa

meeting masa
Originally uploaded by renfield

Masa came by too to meet babyMo, who promptly woke up and had some breast milk before making a bunch of baby noises and falling back to sleep.

p, ton, moo

p, ton, moo
Originally uploaded by renfield

After work met Ton and Baba at school and we headed to the hospital again to see P and babyMo. Ton was kinda hungry and really hyper so we went downstairs to buy P some water in the vending machine, wandered the halls of the hospital, and munched on onigiri and pancake sandwiches.

tonchan pokes her little brother

tonchan pokes her little brother
Originally uploaded by renfield

Baba loved holding baby mookun, and Ton was having a great time running around the room, playing with the fridge, climbing on the bed, and occassionally poking mookun.

Afterwards Uncle Jer and Aunt Na came by for a visit, and besides a minor umbrella panic (shortly solved) all was good.

Came home, dunked the Ton in the bath, got her pajama'd and toothbrush'd, and then she drank apple juice and ate mini-fishes until her face was covered in goop. Managed to brush her teeth again and wipe her face to great protest, but as she was sleeping with Baba she got over it quick enough.

hospital food

hospital food
Originally uploaded by renfield

Escaped from work at 5pm and met Baba at Tonchan's school, grabbed some onigiri and snacks at AM/PM and headed up the hill to visit Mama P and baby mookun.

going to school with baba

going to school with baba
Originally uploaded by renfield

Tonchan was totally awesome! Last nite P and I headed to the hospital, so Tonchan stayed at home with Baba. They took a bath and then got in bed. By then Mookun was born so they called and I told Tonchan and she said she was having fun with Baba and was now going to bed.

This morning she woke up with Baba pretty early (about 6am) and was kind of sleepy but not grumpy at all. Ate breakfast sitting on Baba's lap, got changed and let me brush her teeth, then Baba fixed her hair while she watched Kiki.

Then we all left for school, Tonchan holding Baba's hand a bit until she wanted me to carry her like always.

I am glad but kind of sad too that she is so cool without me and P around!

goodnite mookun!

goodnite mookun!
Originally uploaded by renfield

That is definitely a kuroda nose!

P had some contractions starting around dinner time and Baba was already cooking, so we ate and then got a taxi to the hospital. Tonchan was totally cool with us leaving, telling P "Go ahead!" and staying with Baba.

We got to the hospital at 8:15 and as soon as she stepped out of the taxi, P's water broke.
Went upstairs, got checked in and changed and the contractions really started, surprising all the nurses at how quickly she went into labor.

Kid was born 3080 grams at 9:12 pm, less than an hour after arriving at the hospital!

toy tonchan

toy tonchan
Originally uploaded by renfield

We played some more and finally about 2pm headed off in a light drizzle to the Hills. Did some wandering and finally Ton goes "Papa. PAPA! Shutabak!" So off to Starbucks we went. She inhaled a chocochunk scone, had some chai latte, and then put her head down and dozed off, just sitting there in her stroller.

We had no seats so I just stayed on the floor outside leaning against the window and practicing kanji on my DSi until she kinda stirred a bit. Once I got her moving she passed out again so I shuffled on the rain cover and came home. She woke up just as we got in the elevator and is now sleeping comfortably on P.


Originally uploaded by renfield

Crappy raining all day so I took the Tonchalizer to Appi for some indoor fun. Today being Kid's Day (the national holiday that is one of the many holidays that make up Golden Week) and rainy, the place was pretty crowded and they had all kinds of activities. Started by singing some songs and doing some parent-child bonding silliness, then they busted out the parachute and Ton went ballistic. All the other kids were kinda freaked out and hanging on to mom, but my little monster just dove right into the middle and screamed and giggled like an 80's disco coke head.

tonchan and taikun

tonchan and taikun
Originally uploaded by renfield

Met Tai-kun and family for lunch at the killer Italian buffet in Mandarin Oriental, and after lunch took a walk down through Ginza, the Tonchabeast napping happily all the way to the station and on the bus ride home.

cardboard slide

cardboard slide
Originally uploaded by renfield

The Tonchan in full effect at the park.

mud monster

mud monster
Originally uploaded by renfield


Originally uploaded by renfield

Ebi and ikura and salmon maki...

playing @ hakuhinkan

playing @ hakuhinkan
Originally uploaded by renfield

Loaded the Ton onto the bus and headed to Ginza. Dropped off my suit jackets at Azabu Tailor to get the sleeves adjusted, and then headed to the toy store for some much needed goofing off. Tonchan played with the dogs, checked out the toy kitchen, enjoyed the doll house and Miffy display, and finally sat mesmerized by the fake legos for a couple hours.

Finally dragged her away as she wanted to ride the train, so we headed to the subway line and went to the big 'bucks at the Hills and she fell asleep.

I did some kanji practice on my new Nintendo DSi and Pchan joined us to return some DVDs just as the Tonchabeast arose from slumber.


Originally uploaded by renfield