monkey eats banana
Originally uploaded by renfield
P finally took me to the most excellent Suzuran Ramen in Shibuya. Oh. My. OHMY. I have a new favourite noodleage! They have four kinds of noodle, one of which is great big ribbony style. All the ramen comes separate from the soup so that you can dip as you like, which is great because I'm a noodle kinda guy not a soup man. And topped with the tenderest stewed pork kakuni that absolutely melts in your mouth...so very, very good.
(That's Graham, Sly, and Julie Benz)
Managed to get out of work early enough to catch the premiere of Rambo. Wow. That is one violent movie. I mean, body parts and guts and exploding heads violent. Must have been SO much fun to make.
After the flick we had the killer meat and veggies fest at Oak Door. Ahh, sausages!
Met Graham at the loverly Peninsula and we grabbed some typical lunch -- tuna sashimi bowl -- in the basement of the office building across the way, then checked out cool digital cameras at Bic Camera. Rambo premiere opens tomorrow and he gave me a couple tix (thanks!) -- hope I can get out of work in time to check it out; should be a hoot!
Baba spent the night so the next day, after going to the slide park and taking a quick nap at Starbucks,we all got some healthy lunch at Eat Your Greens and then hit the bread store.
I've walked about 25 kilometers in the past 4 days, keeping Tonchalizer occupied as she is weened from The Breast Milk. She's actually doing well and, not surprisingly, eating alot more too. She wakes up a couple times during the night, but it's easy enough to get her back to sleep soon. I have even put her to bed a couple times. She screams her head off for 15 minutes, then puts her head on my shoulder and is snoring in five minutes. Keeping her running around all day and giving her real food to eat seems to work.
Soon she will graduate from puppy-like small monkey to actual little human. Though if the beastlies at the playground are any indication, I'd prefer her to stay a small monkey. She can barely talk but at least says please and thank you. Some of the kids in the park are little tyrants. Then again half of them are there with their nannies, and half the parents who do even bother to show up spend most of the time reading, chatting with each other, or on the cell. I was one of the only people over the age of 8 actually climbing around on the slide. Which is most excellent, thank you very much.
Took another big walkabout with Tonchan today. In the morning we ended up by Warou Flats, the cool old apartment building from the 1930s. Ton was asleep and I had my camera so I took some random shots in color and back and white. Totally gray, cloudy, shadowless day so the black and whites are kinda flat, but it's still a cool wooden building.