"no photo!"
Originally uploaded by renfield
The hot, wet season is upon us. And so come the bugs. Recently Ton has discovered bugs. She has discovered that she does not like them. And she is amazingly good at spotting them; ants, flies, mosquitos...she can spot an insect meters away and is none-too-thrilled about their existence.
And with good reason: woke up this morning and she had several bites on her legs. Didn't want the anti-itch
muhi treatment, which doesn't seem to work for her anyway. Didn't want any skin cream or lotion, which at least has a placebo effect. Did not mind P's ancient Japanese ninja treatment: soapy water.
But what she really, really wanted was band-aids. Lots of them. You can see a couple on her left leg and there are more on her right. I also had to re-apply one three times to get it
just right. She likes stickers, but she LOVES band-aids.
Also can't find her pink sunglasses (they must be hiding with her watch, various hair bands and ribbons, an old wallet of mine, and who knows what else) so she sported her alternative shades today.
And was in no mood for photos from the papparazzi. I took this shot and she got all huffy: "No Papa! No photo!"