Finally motivated myself to get up at 5am (like I did consistently for months, until I went on vacation a few weeks ago and got fat-n-lazy), sat for a bit, then went on my "long" run, about 7 clicks.
I have been going back-and-forth about being uber-anal and recording everything I eat and all the exercises I do, replacing the battery in my pedometer and carrying it everywhere, loading up my iPod Touch with useful fitness tracking software...and basically not worrying too much.
On the one hand, it's extremely geeky-satisfying to have all the data, nutritional and caloric, so I really know if I ran off that chai latte or not.
Then again, one of the core PCP principles is to simply know what I want and need, intuitively. It's actually a very zen concept; intuitive understanding, as opposed to intellectual analysis ("I am allowed 325 more calories today") or emotional response ("Must. Have. Chocolate!")
So after tracking everything, every bite of food and every minute of exercise, I have stopped.
I am attempting to regain that awareness I had right after PCP, when I was very much in-tune with what I needed versus what I wanted. I discovered that the key to "will-power" is actually just understanding and separating what is necessary from what is merely wanted.
Yes, I still pigged out on pizza at lunch yesterday, and had a soy chai latte after lunch today. But I also got up and ran this morning, and had a truly sensible, delicious (and cheap, 480 yen!) lunch in the cafeteria. So it's all about balance.
I will start
Kung Fu Body next week, and though I don't expect the miraculous changes I achieved on PCP, I do think it will give me the structure and routine I need to get back in better balance. Plus I really, REALLY miss my six-pack!