Once again I spent the lunch hour getting pummeled by a
professional MMA fighter. The final 3 minute round we did speed switches: he's on his back, the rest of us go into a half-mount and fight until he reverses or stands up.
First time, I was flipped in three seconds.
Second time, ten seconds.
Third time, I managed to hang on for a full half-minute, avoiding getting pancaked not once but twice, before executing a textbook anaconda choke hold, which would have dropped any normal human into unconsciousness. Instead, he simply plied my arms off and crushed me into the mat.
You know when you get a piece of tissue paper stuck on your shoe, and you kinda shake it all around, but it's just hanging there by one corner, really tenaciously? And then finally, after flopping all over the place it finally just gives up and flutters away, settling on the pavement once again in a defeated, tangled, dirty, tired heap?
I was the tissue, he was the shoe.