high tech touch panel control for IH electric stove
Originally uploaded by renfield
New apartment: fiber optic intertubes... Will be hooked up Monday. For now: almost no cell reception in the building! Needless to say, sketchy imtertubes at best for next couple days. Which is good, because hundreds of boxes need to be unpacked.
House is full of boxes, and tonchan didn't have any pencils with which to do her homework, so she got on her kick scooter and went to her old preschool.
I came back from buying a microwave oven in akihabara and then went to preschool to pick up tonchan and mokun. She hadn't finished her homework yet, and mokun was getting hungry. He saw the yakiimo truck parked outside, and wanted to go buy some.
So, I gave him 1000 yen.
He went out the door, down the elevator, out the building, down the sidewalk, across the street, and bought two giant baked sweet potatoes. We watched from the window.
When he came back up to school he was so proud.
Not bad for a three year old!