leighton thomas guzofski
The Young Prince
Originally uploaded by Guzilla
It has arrived! Lee & Charity spawned, and it is a boy, and he is soon to take over the world, but first some milk and a nice nap...
grandma hisae
grandma hisae
Originally uploaded by renfield
One-year anniversary of Grandma Hisae's death, so we headed up to Tsukuba on the Tsukuba Express train. Tonchan started the morning well, helping to feed breakfast to her brother. Then she decided that she wanted to bring her entire library with her. When I explained that she could take one book in her bag, she had a proper 3-year old melt down, and I exploded at her. Ultimately I won: she got her princess book in her Kiki bag and was in the stroller.
P wasn't too happy at my handling of the situation, but I'm bigger than Ton and I don't like to be manipulated. Got onto the subway and the train with no issues, and finally I decided to be nice to Ton after she learned her lesson. Met Jiji and Baba at the station and headed up to the house without incident. Ate some sushi and cream cakes and other goodies, then the priest showed up and after being duly impressed by my Japanese and Tonchan's English, we did some quick namu namu for Grandma and headed to the graveyard. Did some more incense burning and namu namu and then headed back to the station and home with Masa.