My lovely daughter loves to eat Yuskin brand handcream.
slicey noodles

slicey noodles
Originally uploaded by renfield.
Spent the day at INSEAD for various trainings and brain-washings, and then on Nohoho's recommendation went upstairs in one of the many malls on Orchard Road and got some toshomen, aka slicey noodles. Dude has a big lump of noodle dough and he stands over a boiling cauldron, puts the dough on his shoulder kind of like he's holding a violin, and shaves off thin slices of noodle that go launching into the water.
The food court is awesome; Indian curry, Thai noodles, Korean BBQ, Japanese sushi, a place that specializes in toast, Malaysian fish foods, and awesome fruit and juice stalls. Tried to order a shake but the were out of soy milk so I ordered what the girl in front of me got since she looked like she new what she was doing: lemon juice with syrup and sugar over ice. SO. GOOD.
singapore bay

Originally uploaded by renfield.
After work met Nohoho and we got the world famous Singapore Chicken Rice at Chatterbox on the 38th floor of the Mandarin Oriental. Damn fine eats and a nice view. Finished the evening with some icecream on the street after nasty rain.
newton hawker stalls

newton hawker stalls
Originally uploaded by renfield.

enough food?
Originally uploaded by renfield.
Walked up from the downtown Orchard area to the Newton Circle Food Court; a bunch of hawker stalls. Kind of annoying touts in front of every stall trying to get me to come to them, but then again maybe that's just normal and Japan, where I am generally left quietly to my own to eat, is the abberation.
Regardless, went for the Chinese option - lemon chicken, sweet & sour pork, roast duck, shrimp fried rice. Way too much food, way too cheap, way way way good. Waddled back to the hotel. It's the humidity making me sweat, honest.
mia and me

Originally uploaded by renfield.
Met Uncle Larry and Mia at the Hyatt and spent the day checking out coolness in Akiba, then headed to Ginza for the killer sushi at Sawada. A good time was had by all.