mama, p & ton
Originally uploaded by renfield
She got her rhythm from her dad and her voice from her mom. Don't ask why she's wearing an apron: I have no idea.
Spent the day shopping with mama and tonchan. We hit Tokyu Hands in Shibuya and then bought a bunch of quilting material at the cloth store for the new baby quilt. Skull and bones -- love it!
Then went upstairs and had lunch upstairs at TGIFs. Tonchan has been snuffling all weekend, her nose running just as fast as her little feet. She didn't have much of an appetite but with a pile of ketchup she did some damage to her fries.
Then we walked up through Aoyama, Ton happily dozing in the stroller...until we got down to Nishi Azabu crossing and some truck with a monster speaker blaring it's cheap trash collection and moving services at 150 decibels woke her up. We headed up to Roppongi Hills for a 'Bucks break, then hit the slide park and came home.
Mama made a mountain of potato pancakes that we had with steak and apple sauce. Tonchalizer liked the potato pancakes but still wasn't so hungry so she only nibbled a bit and chomped a couple bits of steak.
She doesn't have a fever but is sniffling and snuffling so we suspect it'll be a nice cold in a day or two...or she'll blow it onto a friend at school and pick up an even more pleasant virus!