
Just finished Brad's latest book. It was of course most excellent, especially the parts where he calls me a "sword master" and a "tough guy". I love it!
The flooding of my apartment figures reasonably prominently as well, so it's like I'm basically famous now.
Therefore please click on the link to the right and buy the book. In quantity.
Actually reading the book and writing about reading the book on my blog are just excuses to avoid doing my daily zazen, which as I'm sure you've figured out already is really. boring.

However something must be happening because the other day Tonchan grabbed the tiny zafu (ass cushion) that found it's way into the living room and sat on it and said "Papa, this one...like this" and tried to cross her legs and I had one of those Dad Moments.
Not one of those Dad Moments when you think "Wow, my lovely little daughter is learning and growing!"
But one of those Dad Moments when you think "Holy crap! Was she watching me pick my nose when I was brushing my teeth that one time too?!"

Speaking of teeth, I got mine cleaned this morning. I have already mentioned numerous times (about every six months for the past 12 years I think) how awesome my dentist be.* Turns out they just (well in the last six months at least) remodelled the tiny reception area to the tiny dentist office. It is now all cool modern wafu, with traditional wall-paper patterns in soothing colors and all quite tasteful. Yeah, my dentist kicks ass.

* For those dangling grammar police who prefer "how awesome be my dentist" I can only quote Churchill: "Ending a sentence with a preposition is something up with which I will not put. "

1 comment:

Myron said...


I am old enough to have gone to school with Churchill; surely he would have said "shall" - not "will".

(be's your Dad")