olive orange icecream...nasty!

olive orange icecream...nasty!, originally uploaded by renfield.

sit, eat

Got up reasonably early, had some breakfast and hit the dry cleaners with mama -- that's one job she can take over from me when the baby comes.
If the afternoon I went to sit whilst mama and P wandered up to Miri's for lunch, hit Blue & White, and checked out Azabu Jyuban and Roppongi Hills.
For dinner we went to David's Deli and had a traditional Japanese feast.

the week

This week went something like this:
work gym work dojo mama work gym work work work work WORK WORK WORK rolled cabbage bacon soup raisin bread wheat bagels work work work.

Didn't get home from work last night until 1:30 -- had to finish a presentation for my boss to give at the offsite this weekend. An offsite I will not, by the way, be attending, as P is with child and just about ready to pop. Due date is Wed Dec 6!

jet lagging mama

jet lagging mama, originally uploaded by renfield.

Mama has arrived, and as one can imagine, she's a bit jet-lagged!