I figured this was the biggest earthquake I have ever experienced in my 16 years in Japan. Actually it was the biggest earthquake in Japan's recorded history.
Really though it's the resultant tsunami that are doing all the damage; 10 meter high (that a 3 story building; picture it) walls of water tossing multi-ton fishing boats like they are so much flotsam and plowing over acres of farm land, roads, airports, and buildings.
This is really and seriously not good.
Hate to say it, but REALLY glad it hit in a sparsely populated area like the northeast. 100 kilometers south and there would be millions dead in the greater Tokyo area.
So far it's just been massively inconvenient for all those people who cannot get home. Lots of make-shift shelters opening up; universities and temples and community centers, vending machines dispensing food and drink for free, electronics stores offering free cell-phone recharging, etc.
Tokyo was surprising calm and well run, but then again it didn't actually get bad, power and water and gas still working, only a few isolated fires.
Also good that it was a friday afternoon; gives the country the weekend to get things cleaned up and sorted and I'm sure by Monday we'll be back to some semblance of normal, at least in Tokyo. The north-eastern lands will take some time to recover from the massive tsunami damage.