
Having settled into The Facility, I have now established a Forward Base of Operations, thanks to the assistance of the Alpha Team. Operation Mekajiki is therefore in full effect, with transportation routes established and supply chains confirmed.
Minor troubles, as one expects, have been unavoidable, but for the most part operations proceed smoothly.
Now, we commence Phase 2 with the implementation of Operation Sunshine Arrival. StatRep to follow...

soy cappuccino from blue bottle

soy cappuccino from blue bottle
Originally uploaded by renfield

sea to sfo

sea to sfo
Originally uploaded by renfield


Originally uploaded by renfield

yummy lunch

yeah tsa

Sea-Tac airport, Seattle, WA.
HUGE line to get through security. Helpful TSA agents tell us to go to the other security gates as it is less crowded. Like lemmings, we obey and trudge to the other end of the terminal.
Huge lines, like Disneyland, minus the fun ride and friendly service at the end.
Partly through the snaking back-and-forth, a TSA agent hands us each a piece of paper stamped with the current time. "This is to help us measure how much time you spend in line."
Wow, this might actually be helpful; the TSA acknowledging that we spend way too much time lined up (the fact that it is to participate in ludicrous security theatre is a separate issue altogether.)
First security check: boarding pass and photo id. Agent scribbles something on the piece of paper and tell us that it will be collected at the end.
More lines, shoes off, jackets off, pockets emptied, laptop out, bins on conveyor belt, metal detector, collect stuff, refill pockets, repack backpack, shoes on, finally clear customs...still have my piece of paper.
Three (3!) agents standing around chatting, so asked one of them what we are supposed to do with our pieces of paper. "Oh, they were supposed to collect those at the podium." Collects paper, now completely useless because the whole point is to gauge the amount of time spent going through the security check, which requires measuring the difference between a known start time and a known end time.
Well played TSA. My faith in your ability continues to run blindly into the fog of night and plunge off cliffs of hopeless despair.
#tsa #fail

biggest damn shower head I've ever seen

biggest damn shower head I've ever seen
Originally uploaded by renfield

The True Cost of Health Care

This is really key: the problem with the US healthcare system is simply that the costs are purposely inflated because that is how the system is designed.

 The solution is to design a better system patient-centered, not insurance company-centered.
The likelihood is minimal, at least until most people understand the truth:

better than homeless

better than homeless
Originally uploaded by renfield
Actually it's way better; got my own bathroom with hand-held shower head, my own private entrance, easy access to the laundry facilities...and master says that if I am a good boy, he will let me up from the basement and allow me to boil some water in the kitchen, but only on weekends, when the children aren't about. (One can never be too careful.)