No more studying! Spent all weekend in Starbucks, cramming arcane financial tax facts, blocking unsuspecting fellow 'buckers with my stealth cell-phone jammer, and shooting hazelnut lattes like a heroine addict with a fist full of syringes. Took the test in an Ocha-no-mizu test center yesterday. Finished in an hour and actually I think I might have passed. Get the results in a few days. Typical; computerized test but they probably print my answer sheet and fax it to the Japanese Securities Dealers Association for grading or something.
Iaido last night was all practice for the festival at the end of June. I am utterly hopeless; I can't even sit down and bow correctly let alone do the kata. At least if I can keep my eyes focused straight ahead all is not lost.
After practice I hooked up with the work team at Outback for Yu-Ching's good-bye: she's off to make her way at Amazon Japan. Good luck!
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