Ladies and gentleman, I give you: a flying car!

Yes, it looks just like a normal Hummer, but this is in fact a FLYING Hummer? The proof? It's parked down the street from my apartment, and there is NO way a car that wide could have possibly been driven to it's current location, so it must have fallen from the sky.
I guess the owner is either:
1. a genius for inventing a flying Hummer
2. a rich idiot who deserves the misery of trying to drive such a huge car down the narrow streets of Tokyo.
While I simultaneously envy his absolutely stunning display of consumer-capitalist wealth, I put him in the same moron category as the (several) Ferrari drivers who live in my neighborhood.
And lastly, a word of advice: if you're so rich and carefree that you leave your convertible 360 Spider double-parked with the engine running while you run into the 7-11 to buy a pack of smokes, you most certainly shouldn't care when some idiot on a scooter knicks the door with his side-view mirror. (Oh yeah, and if you're going to go to all the trouble of buying a Ferrari, at least get something with 12 cylinders, eh?)
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