Had a shidoin (instructor) seminar yesterday -- doing is one thing, teaching is a whole 'nother. Lots of fun, as Niina-gosoke went over all the forms and what specific points we should be careful about when teaching different ranks. Also kind of neat to see Gosoke ripping into us all, young and old, high and low ranked...a room full of novices getting our butts whipped!
Afterwards Todd and Narumi came over with Amy -- she doesn't hate me nearly as much as she did before. Now she only screamed whenever I got near her for the first 3 hours. Then I guess she gave up and got used to me. Tried the feed-her-a-banana-and-win-her-love-forever trick, but that failed. We hung out for a bit as Narumi and Masa did girlie make-up things, then we all went to Lucky for dinner. Being with small baby, the gave us a room upstairs, and Amy kinda fell asleep, though everytime the waiter would come up he made a huge, loud show of announcing the dishes and Amy would wake up and cry and then go back to sleep.
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