sai and jo

Jesse asked me on the Sword Forum International boards if we could do some sai when I go out to California in July for an iai seminar. At first I said no because I don't know any sai and am not qualified to teach. But at practice tonight I was talking to Hoshina-san and Yoshida-sensei, and since Hoshina-san is 2dan in sai they decided I had to learn the tachi (sword) half of some sai forms so that we could at least demo. And while we're at it I might as well learn some tachi for a couple of jo forms as well.
So for three hours I got pummelled by various folks trying to teach me the sai kata geki, hangetsu, and sankyo, as well as some jo work I absolutely can't remember. After having various bits of wood and metal slammed into my head, solar plexus, wrists, arms, and chin, I have a new respect for these weapons.
Now if I can just remember the moves well enough to not make a complete fool of myself...

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