
So first I was trying to go to the instructors' seminar, and got to Toritsudai before I realized that I was the only person around. The receptionist at the gym said "No iai this afternoon. Footsal." So I called Sekido-san and he said "Where are you? Toritsudai? Nihonbashi, dude, Nihonbashi!"
Other side of Tokyo. Oops. So I went to Nihonbashi. I should have actually gone to Kanda station, not Nihonbashi station, and I got totally lost coming out the wrong side of the station, finally showing up half an hour late. Gosoke was running through all the kata; 20 basic and 8 advanced, pointing out all the critical parts to pay attention to when teaching and/or practicing ourselves.
When the seminar was over I got on the Hanzomon subway and jammed down to Sangenjaya, called Hiroko to get direction's to Todd's house, and got totally, completely, stupendously lost. Ended up wandering for an hour and finding my way back to the station. Finally Todd just came out to meet me and it turns out I was so close, but when the building was right in front of me, for some inexplicable reason I turned left and ended up taking a 5 kilometer detour.
Anyway finally made it to his place and scared Amy a little bit before eating the left over BBQ burger, sausage, and other food scraps. Hiroko was busy showing Narumi and Etsuko what she learns at Fighting Fitness while I blinded Will with my surefire light, and bitched about work with Todd and Bull.

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