rain rain go away

The typhoon veered east, missing the Japanese mainland, but still there was plenty of rain.
On my way to practice, I basically gave up, parked The Mightier Steed at Shinbashi Station, and took the train four stops up to Akihabara. Packed with commuters going out after work, the train was stuffy and damp and basically nasty, reminding me why I pay so much money to live just down the street from work and why I attempt to drive my scooter everywhere, even in the rain.
Now that the tournament is over, practice was mellow. Some folks are testing for promotion next month, but I'm not testing any time soon, so I'm just taking my time and enjoying things. Working on getting the foot/sword timing right: putting the monouchi into my attacker's head just as the front foot steps out. Tougher than it looks as I always tend to swing with my arms instead of letting my hips and back move the sword out.
Also have to work on drawing with the left foot forward (sa, sha, mawari-gakari), and anything that involves a thrust (munazukushi, tsuigetsu, hibikigaeshi, hazumi).
After practice Tanaka-sensei ran us through the five old ZenIaiRen kata that we do, and there was some confusion as to the exact movements because we hardly ever practice them! Nakagawa-gosoke's old book shows that Kiriage starts with the right foot, but Tanaka-bashocho said Naganuma-sensei said that it starts with the left foot...will have to verify with Niina-gosoke later.

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