starting from scratch

Still jet-lagged but I managed to go to practice in Akihabara. Otsuka-san took pity on my and took over the beginners so I could actually practice, for the first time in about a month. Needless to say I was terrible. Couldn't swing, couldn't cut, couldn't balance. Tanaka-sensei ran us through all twenty kata and every now and then he'd just smile at me and go "Too small. Too much tension. Too stiff."
I think this year I will start over from zero -- relearn everything from the basics up, in an attempt to break all my bad habits.
At least I finally paid for Niina-gosoke's sword, so now it's officially mine! Now I have to redo the handle; a bit longer as it's kind of short, and redo the wrap with silk instead of leather. Going to possibly get some custom fittings made as well, assuming I have any money left over from my bonus after I pay for three weeks in NY currently built up on my credit card.

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