
Went to Shinagawa Citizen's Sports Center for an all-day jo (staff) seminar. Iwameji-sensei came up for the seminar and he is just amazing. In the morning we video-taped him going through the kata and explaining some finer points, then after lunch Hoshina-san and Orita-san drilled me on the basics and the first 12 kata. No chance I'll be ready to help Niina-gosoke teach by the end of the month, but I'm trying. Jo is way different than sword, and fun in its own way.
After practice Hiroko's parents left and Hiroko and I watched a few more episodes of 24. Story's starting to reach a bit, I think. Keith (senator Palmer's son) and Kim (Bauer's daughter) are both idiots, and that helps move the story along. But it really makes me wonder, doesn't anyone ever go to the bathroom? Or sleep?

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