seminar day four

Hot hot HOT in the dojo today. Must have been at least 100F but that didn't stop us. Niina-gosoke ran through the first seven tanjo kata that we did yesterday, and then we did the last five to finish up the set of twelve. Everyone really enjoyed smacking each other, so that took all morning. Had more In-n-Out for lunch and then we grabbed all the video cameras and gosoke ran through the 12 tanjo kata again really slowly explaining all the different details, footwork, and moves.
Then we started doing jo, with gosoke explaining the difference between the old-school Shindomusoryu and modern seitei kata. We ran through ukan for a few hours and then gosoke finished up the day by showing everyone the twleve basic patterns of jo as explaining and being filmed.
After the seminar we came back to the house, showered, changed, and went out for some Italian. Tony's daughter Madison came with us and was really cute holding Raven, Verdugo's adorable baby daughter.
Back at the house we talked smack and wound down as folks dropped out to drive and/or fly home.
A good seminar was had by all.

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