i'm sick (of kimmy)

This whole "working" thing is starting to catch up with me. Had kind of a sore throat all day and feeling like I'm about to catch a cold, so I came home 'early' (before 8) and crashed on the couch. Hiroko made dinner and then we watched another episode of 24 Season 2. Ah, Kimmy...your idiocy knows no bounds! Let's recap, shall we? In this season alone (never mind last season) you've been charged with murder and kidnapping, caused an accident with a police vehicle in which both your boyfriend and the cop were seriously injured, got caught in a cougar trap while being hunted by a cougar, got stuck in a bomb shelter with a recluse in the woods, fired a gun at a guy who stopped to pick you up when you were hitch-hiking, didn't fire your gun at the wacko who almost choked the liquor store owner to death, and are now held hostage in said liquor store, trying to stop the bleeding of the gunshot wound caused by the lunatic who took your gun because you didn't shoot him. And the cops are outside. Kimmy, my dear, will you PLEASE just hurry up and get shot? It's too painful to watch you cry/get kidnapped/held hostage again.

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