use debate to go fishin'

The upcoming presidential debates are anything but.
I remember debating in school. It was a structured exchange of ideas between participants in an attempt to woo one's opponent and the audience to accept your point of view. It was give-and-take, pointed, at times heated, and fun.
These presidential debates will be totally pointless for two reasons:
1) Absolutely nothing new will be spoken.
2) The candidates will not actually debate each other. They'll just respond in series to some softball questions.
Ah, American politics gets worse by the minute. SO glad I live in Japan, where politics is also lame but, thankfully, largely impotent and therefore irrelevant (in that it is rarely responsible for the deaths of thousands, for example.)


Todd Rudick said...

Your not counting the opportunity cost of >100 billion dollars. It means the death of millions (think malnutrition, clean water, preventing Malaria, etc. etc.). That's the choice politicians make when they decide to fight a war. Unprovoked war is perhaps the worst crime ever committed.

Every gun that is made, every warship launched, every rocket fired signifies, in the final sense, a theft from those who hunger and are not fed, those who are cold and not clothed.- Dwight D. Eisenhower

Todd Rudick said...

Not nearly as bad as that article made it out to be, eh?