
ex·cep·tion·al adj.
  1. Being an exception; uncommon.
  2. Well above average; extraordinary
me: I need you to do X.
him: Standard policy is that we do not do X. We do A,B, and C.
me: Understood. But this is a special situation; high priority, rarely happens but when it does we really, really need X.
him: I understand that as well. But we have policies for a reason. We can't just go responding to every random request, can we? We'd never get anything done, stability would decrease, and we would be at serious risk.
me: Yes, of course, you should not just do any random request. But this is an exception. It is an extraordinary situation, of utmost importance.
him: Sorry, can't do it.
I think it is fair to say that he is, with no exaggeration, totally and completely unexceptional.

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