
Slept funny or something, so the right side of my neck was really tweaked and hurt all day. Was taking it easy in class, with Niina-gosoke watching over us as we drilled through the basics. About 10 minutes into class I did one perfect cut. I felt it, I heard it. Just as was thinking "Damn..." Niina-gosoke turned to me and said "That's the one. Do it like that every time."
Now how many years is it gonna take me to do another cut like that? And how many years until I can do it consistently?
After class I took Elvis to eat dinner at Lucky, and we got the Rock Star treatment because they love me there. Free shrimp goyza, too, and damn fine ones at that.
Elvis told his Romeo-and-Juilet story to Niina-gosoke and he fell over laughing. Gosoke's been telling everyone in the dojo; it's such a classic story you can't make up funnier.
We talked smack (do we ever talk anything else?) and finally cruised home late and full.

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