journalists in jail

The United States of America now officially puts journalists in jail. In relation to a grand jury investigation of whether or not senior White House officials broke the law by knowingly disclosing the identity of an undercover agent, a reporter (who didn't even write about the exposed agent) is going to jail for not revealing her sources. Not the reporter who originally did expose the agent, not the government official who originally exposed her.
I don't care what your party affiliation is, not even Kafka could make up a story this assinine. This is not about the letter of the law that every citizen is compelled to comply with a grand jury investigation. It is about the spirit of the law; the right of a free press to investigate exactly these kinds of blatant political machinations.
The saddest part of this story is the Silent Majority of American citizens who are too drunk on reality tv to get off their couch and care, or worse yet who shrug and say the loss of the very freedoms that define America is a necessary evil because of the "war on terrorism" whatever that means. Most of them get their so-called "news" from Fox, so issues of journalistic integrity are a non-starter anyway.
A century from now, students of American history will look back on the early 21st century and compare it to the days of McCarthyism and Stalinism...assuming by then citizens still have the right to study history freely.

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