
Various updates: been working a fair amount, and studying. Gearing up to take the Internal Control/Sales Manager Exam, so haven't been practicing much.
I have been getting up early every day for the past several weeks and sitting for 15-20 minutes. It is very boring.
Hiroko is working on a nice gut, btw. I know I'm not supposed to call it a gut; she makes the distinction that my gut is fat and therefore isn't going anywhere, whereas hers is a 'bump', and once the little alien comes out, she'll be back into fighting style.
Tsuyu, aka typhoon season, has begun. It is rainy and muggy and hot and generally nasty.
When the rain clears up, I need to fire up the BBQ again. I use domestic charcoal, but I'm thinking I need to mix in some wood chips and get the cool smokiness. Also, I want to try BBQing some ostrich meat. Just because someone at work described it as "More porky than chicken, more chickeny than pork."

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