slow smooth fast

Can't remember where I first heard it: slow is smooth and smooth is fast.
Maybe it's the heat. And summer holidays so no one is around. Or eating too much BBQ.
Only one dude showed up for class, and it was hot and humid something nasty.
The air-con in the dojo was already running, so I just left it on, making temperature a mildly tolerable 32 degrees or so.
I felt like I didn't have much energy, which probably helped. Moved like molasses, barely any energy in my fingers or arms, and I moved...fluidly. Felt really good; smooth, no jutting corners or edges to catch.
Also spent a long time -- nearly an hour -- on just tsukate. How to put the hands on the sword for the initial draw. Bend boths elbows and move both hands at the same time, but of course the left elbow has to bend more to get the hand on the saya, and the right hand has to move faster to cover more distance in a straight line. Making it one smooth movement, keeping everything still but the lower arms, is key. Staying on the centerline is also key.
Now if I could just figure out what to do after that...

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