
Managed to get to the dojo for the first time in what semed like basically forever.
They had the air-con running full blast so it was surprisingly cool and comfortable.
And fairly empty.
Trained on my own for an hour -- ran through all 20 basic kata plus some other bits and bobs, and a few basics. Was a bit sloppy of course but generally felt pretty good. My left shoulder blade was sore from a picking-up-tonchan incident over the weekend, and I think that helped because I wasn't muscling through much; had to relax or it hurt.
After training, Salty came by and we headed out for some dinner and late-night bitch-moan.

1 comment:

Fluffy said...

A bitch-moanin' with Salty... that's how I spent my post- taikai drunken-ness. Always fun.