happy new year

Originally uploaded by renfield

Year of the Tiger promises to be at least as exciting as 2009, though maybe more to the positive side?
I actually managed to get to the dojo last night; haven't cut since summer in LA last year. Helped teach a bit, then class stopped so that everyone could watch me try a target. No warmup, haven't even drawn my sword in 6 months, everyone watching, and...I completely nailed mizugaeshi from the draw.
So faith in the universe is established from day one, and things are good.
Ton starts school tomorrow, with her new short hair and her continued inability to wear anything other than pink and princess dresses.
Mo will eat anything that's within grabbing distance, so mind your fingers. He will soon be drinking malt liquor and smoking unfiltered cigarettes and this rate, let alone crawling and then walking.
Mama comes to Japan in a week or so.
And I've been back at work for all of three days and am already crushed.

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