
NPO Hougyoku-kai's 6th Annual Festival and Competition, Kenkakubanrai. I was on the planning committee so I've spent the past couple of weeks working with everyone to pull this off. It was tons of fun, but as I was in the highest division, I got the thrashing I deserved. I won my first match and lost the second to Akama-san, who advanced up from the division below mine. He ended up sweeping both divisions and winning the top award. It was an excellent reminder for me that I still have much to learn and even more to practice. I had plenty of excuses; I've been spending more teaching, I was on the planning committee, I've been getting ready for the US and Canada seminars...but the truth is I just haven't practiced enough and I wasn't good enough to win.
I did, however, get Niina-gosoke's consolation prize:

After the festivities we all went to a place by the station to eat and drink and have fun, and I heard many great stories from Shiokawa-gosoke about when he was young, and Okazaki-sensei's tales of karate. When it was time to go home, I was feeling lame but glad I'd got some perspective, and ready to start fresh tomorrow. I guess I was too busy thinking about redoubling my efforts at practice, because I turned right against a Left Turn Only sign, just in front of a police box. As I was waiting for the light to change, a cop ran out, invited me over, and gave me a 5000 yen ticket.
A fitting end to a fine day, I reckon.

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