broken links

The astute reader will notice various broken links. Some of these are beyond my control. For whatever reason, Lee's and Nate's don't seem to be working. Some of these are control within my control. Ren's Big Adventure is yet to be migrated over from the old twics file system to
These things will be fixed, in time. Or not.
Tomorrow Hiroko and I leave for California. We'll spend some time in SF with Jorge, Corr, and my God-daughter Emi, then all of us will rent a van and chug down to LA. I will immediately pop over to Big Tony's to do sword stuff in San Diego.
Then Hiroko goes home and I go on to Guelph, Ontario (Canada) to do even more sword stuff.
We will take many pictures, and have many adventures. And if you're lucky, you might even find out about 'em.

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