Got on the shinkansen at 9:06 am and rode down to Shizuoka with Gosoke and a few others. Switched to the local at Mishima and rode another 30 minutes to Shuzenji, then grabbed some lunch and hopped on the bus up the winding mountain roads to LaForet. This place is HUGE. Golf course, multiple buildings, pool, hot springs, tennis spreads out across the mountains with commanding views of wilderness, fresh water, and clean air.
We got settled in our rooms and headed down to the gym to train for a few hours. I got the beginners, so we drilled on the basics, with lots of time for thought. I think I worked everyone pretty hard, but afterwards they said they had a good time, so I think it was ok.
Before dinner we hit the bath and then feasted! Huge boats of sashimi and giant boiling pots of meat and veggies and all kinds of other fixings. After dinner we retired to the room next door for the typical late-night-seems-important-at-the-time babble (after another quick bath of course) and being totally fried, time to retire early.
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