"the usual"

"the usual"
Originally uploaded by renfield

Sunday morning with the Tonchabeast. Took her to the Robot Slide Park and after an hour of running and sliding(video here and here) and almost-2-years-old-ness, she needed sustenance. Started walking and as soon as we got near the 'bucks she points and goes "Ice. ICE. ICE!" Meaning she wants an ice soy chai latte. Up to the counter and she points to the chocolate scones frantically, signing for "eat" and give me the "give me this or I will hate you and grow up to marry a loser just to spite you" look.

She then proceeds to eat half the scone...and all the chocolate chips (video), artfully picking each one out of the encasing scone, crumbs flying everywhere. Every time I reached out to help she batted away my hand with a "No touching!" but then when she had picked all the chocolate out, she signed for more and politely asked "More please." So I'd crumble off a another piece of scone, revealing another vein of chocolate chips for her to mine.

Just as she got bored and was done eating, declaring "Sosama" (she can't quite say "Gochisosama") and trying to stand up out of the high chair, P arrived and I took off to the instructor's seminar.

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