
Originally uploaded by renfield

Just woke up, heads straight to P's purse, grabs the little makeup bag, sits down in the corner of the sofa (on the extra pillow), reaches over to turn on the TV, and proceeds to put on both lipstick and chapstick, never taking her eyes of the TV.

Eventually she made it to the table for breakfast. Chocolate bear bread? Pasta with tomato sauce? Udon? Udon!

I have a feeding-my-daughter theory, in two parts. Whenever it's just me and her, eating goes something like this:

  1. When I get hungry, we go eat.
  2. I order what I want, she eats whatever she wants from my plate.
So for example when we went to Ginza this weekend, I got hungry, so we went to Moss Burger and I ordered a burger, fries, and onion rings. And she ate: the buns off my burger.

1 comment:

Myron said...

Gorgeous shot!! My new computer background.
