3 days of boring

3 days of boring
Originally uploaded by renfield

This was my home for the past 3 days -- this miserable little cushion. It is harder than it looks, and I mean that in both ways; it is difficult to sit on the damn thing and not just get up, put on my shoes, and go home. And it is filled with some combination of cotton batting and lead pellets or something.

Good things about doing a zen retreat at Tokei-in:

  1. Brad is as always simultaneously amusing, insightful, and goofy
  2. The food is surprisingly excellent, thanks to Kitamura-san
  3. Big tiled bathtub
Bad things about doing a zen retreat at Tokei-in:
  1. Goddamn spiders in the goddamn toilet
  2. Old tatami make me sneeze
  3. Zazen is boring. Boring. BORING.
Once again this year I was totally saved by Patrick. Never again shall I mock the Yoga Hippie! He ran us through morning and evening stretches and poses that really need to be an official part of the retreat; helped immensely.
I find that my legs aren't really the problem. After prolonged sitting, it is my lower back and shoulder blades that are sore. Not sure if that means I am doing it correctly and am out of shape, or I am sitting badly...or both?
Anyway my interest is, um, peaked, and so I will see if I can get setup with Patrick come January. No idea how it will go, but like Yoda says: "Do, or do not. There is no try."

1 comment:

Myron said...

..."it is not uncommon for modern practitioners to sit zazen in a chair, often with a wedge behind the lower back to help maintain the natural curve of the spine."

Evidently, it's all about the curve of the spine.
