sick weekend

Last weekend was a big 3rd birthday party celebration, with food and presents and friends and all kinds of carrying on.
This past weekend was payback: on Thursday morning Ton's little cough turn into a nice hacking noise, and she was particularly lethargic on her way to school. Always a bad sign. As suspected, shortly thereafter school called; she had a fever.
By the weekend, Mo was also coughing and drizzling snot out of his nose like at the same pace as he drooled whenever he chewed on something inedible (basically anything he can get his hands on.)
Ton's fever hit 38.6 C and she was understandably grumpy and miserable. Both kids alternated coughing and hacking and not sleeping much, though at least Mo didn't get a fever.
By Monday Ton's fever was down to a measely 38.0 C so we took them both to the doctor for swine/pig/exotic/normal flu checks. The result was boring: nothing special, just a cold.


Auntie Em said...

Good that it's an old fashioned cold. Hope everyone is well soon.

Myron and Anna said...

Take vitamins all year long because kids rarely get all they need. BTW, colds are natural as they develop their immunities... Feel better soon!
